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CNRM -GAME (UMR 3589 CNRS & Météo-France)


Groupe de Météorologie de moyenne échelle

Modélisation surface-atmosphère-hydrologie couplées

42, Av. G. Coriolis

31057 Toulouse Cedex 1, France

Tél. +33 (0) 5 61 07 93 58

Fax +33 (0) 5 61 07 96 26

courriel : Eric dot Martin at meteo dot fr

Thèmes de recherche

  • Modélisation des processus de surface, transfert sol végétation atmosphère
  • couplage surface /hydrologie
  • modélisation du bilan hydrique à l'échelle des grands bassins français
  • prévision d'enemble des débits
  • Impact des changements climatiques sur les variables hydrologiques en France
  • code de surface SURFEX
  • utilisation de l'information spatiale altimétrique pour l'hydrologie (membre du SDT SWOT)
  • Auteur (LA) pour les quatrième et cinquième rapports du GIEC (chapitre Europe)


Adrien Napoly, Apport de paramétrisations avancées des processus liés à la végétation dans les modèles de surface pour la simulation des flux atmosphériques et hydrologiques Co-encadrement avec Aaron Boone

Vincent Häfliger, Préparation de l'assimilation de données de hauteur d'eau SWOT par un modèle hydrologique distribué régional.

Stéphanie Singla, Prévisibilié des ressources en eau en France à l'échelle saisonnière. Soutenance le 13 novembre 2012.

Vionnet Vincent, Modélisation du phénomène de transport de neige par le vent en zone alpine à l'aide d'un modèle atmosphérique àéchelle fine. Soutenance le 30 novembre 2012.

Guillaume Thirel, Amélioration de la prévision d'ensemble des débits avec le modèle SIM. Soutenance le 23 novembre 2009.

Pere Quintana Seguí, Amélioration de la représentation des crues méditerranéennes à l'aide de SIM. 2005-2008, soutenance le 10 décembre 2008.

Ludovic Bouilloud, Prévision des caractéristiques de surface d'une chaussée en condition hivernale, directeur de thèse, 2003-2006. Soutenance le 13 octobre 2006.

Pierre Etchevers, Modélisation de la phase continentale du cycle de l'eau à l'échelle régionale. Impact de la modélisation de la neige sur l'hydrologie du Rhône. Soutenance le 27 janvier 2000 (co-directeur).


Publications avec comités de lecture


  • Dayon, G., Boé, J. and Martin, E. : Transferability in the future climate of a statistical downscaling method for precipitation in France, Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, ,, 2015.
  • Martin, E., Salas y Melia, D., Badeau, V., Delire, C., Gattuso, J.-P., Lemonsu, A., Masson, V., Pigeon, G., Regimbeau, M. and Viguié, V. : Impacts, adaptation et vulnérabilité des systèmes naturels et humains en Europe, La Météorologie, 88, -, 2015.


  • Habets, F., Philippe, E., Martin, E., David, C. H. and Leseur, F. : Small farm dams : impact on river flows and sustainability in a context of climate change, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 4207—4222, 2014.
  • Jacob, D., Petersen, J., Eggert, B., Alias, A., Bossing Christensen, O., Bouwer, L., Braun, A., Colette, A., Deque, M., Georgievski, G., Georgopoulou, E., Gobiet, A., Nikulin, G., Haensler, A., Hempelmann, N., Jones, C., Keuler, K., Kovats, S., Kröner, N., Kotlarski, S., Kriegsmann, A., Martin, E., van Meijgaard, E., Moseley, C., Pfeifer, S., Preuschmann, S., Radtke, K., Rechid, D., Rounsevell, M., Samuelsson, P., Somot, S., Soussana, J., Teichmann, C., Valentini, R., Vautard, R. and Weber, B. : EURO-CORDEX : New high-resolution climate change projections for European impact research, Regional Environmental Change, 14, 563-578, 2014.
  • Kovats, R., Valentini, R., Bouwer, L., Georgopoulou, E., Jacob, D., Martin, E., Rounsevell, M. and J.-F. Soussana Europe. In Barros, V., Field, C., Dokken, D., Mastrandrea, M., Mach, K., Bilir, T., Chatterjee, M., Ebi, K., Estrada, Y., Genova, R., Girma, B., Kissel, E., Levy, A., MacCracken, S., Mastrandrea, P. and L.L., W., eds., Climate Change 2014 : Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part B : Regional Aspects.Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 1267-1326, 2014.
  • Randrianasolo, A., Thirel, G., Ramos, M. and Martin, E. : Impact of streamflow data assimilation and length of the verification period on the quality of short-term ensemble hydrologic forecasts, Journal of Hydrology, 519, Part D, 2676—2691, 2014.
  • Thirel, G., Andréassian, V., Perrin, C., Audouy, J.-N., Berthet, L., Edwards, P., Folton, N., Furusho, C., Kuentz, A., Lerat, J., Lindstrom, G., Martin, E., Mathevet, T., Merz, R., Parajka, J., Ruelland, D. and Vaze, J. : Hydrology under change : an evaluation protocol to investigate how hydrological models deal with changing catchments, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2014.
  • Vionnet, V., Martin, E., Masson, V., Guyomarc'h, G., Naaim-Bouvet, F., Prokop, A., Durand, Y. and Lac, C. : Simulation of wind-induced snow transport and sublimation in alpine terrain using a fully coupled snowpack/atmosphere model, The Cryosphere, 8, 395—415, 2014.


  • Decharme, B., Martin, E. and Faroux, S. : Reconciling soil thermal and hydrological lower boundary conditions in land surface models, Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, , 1-16, 2013.
  • Chauveau, M., Chazot, S., Perrin, C., Bourgin, P.-Y., Sauquet, E., Vidal, J.-P., Rouchy, N., Martin, E., David, J., Norotte, T., Maugis, P. and De Lacaze, X. : Quels impacts des changements climatiques sur les eaux de surface en France à l'horizon 2070 ?, La Houille Blanche, 4, août 2013, 5-15, 2013.
  • Drobinski, P., Ducrocq, V., Bastin, S., Bélamari, S., Béranger, K., Bock, O., Boudevillain, B., Bouin, M.-N., Braud, I., Calvet, J.-C., , A. C., Coppola, L., Courault, D., Delrieu, G., Estournel, C., Flamant, C., Giordani, H., Labatut, L., Lutoff, C., Martin, E., Mahfouf, J.-F., Mastrorillo, L., Orain, F., Ramage, K., Richard, E., Roujean, J.-L., Roussot, O., Ruin, I., Somot, S., Taupier-Letage, I., Testor, P. and Ludwig, W. : HyMeX, le cycle de l'eau méditerranéen à la loupe, La Météorologie, 80,23-36 2013.
  • Dumas, P., Hallegatte, S., Quintana-Seguì, P. and Martin, E. : The influence of climate change on flood risks in France - first estimates and uncertainty analysis, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 13, 809-821, 2013.
  • Faroux, S., Kaptué Tchuenté, A. T., Roujean, J.-L., Masson, V., Martin, E. and Le Moigne, P. : ECOCLIMAP-II/Europe : a twofold database of ecosystems and surface parameters at 1 km resolution based on satellite information for use in land surface, meteorological and climate models, Geoscientific Model Development, 6, 563—582, 2013.
  • Masson, V., Le Moigne, P., Martin, E., Faroux, S., Alias, A., Alkama, R., Belamari, S., Barbu, A., Boone, A., Bouyssel, F., Brousseau, P., Brun, E., Calvet, J.-C., Carrer, D., Decharme, B., Delire, C., Donier, S., Essaouini, K., Gibelin, A.-L., Giordani, H., Habets, F., Jidane, M., Kerdraon, G., Kourzeneva, E., Lafaysse, M., Lafont, S., Lebeaupin Brossier, C., Lemonsu, A., Mahfouf, J.-F., Marguinaud, P., Mokhtari, M., Morin, S., Pigeon, G., Salgado, R., Seity, Y., Taillefer, F., Tanguy, G., Tulet, P., Vincendon, B., Vionnet, V. and Voldoire, A. : The SURFEXv7.2 land and ocean surface platform for coupled or offline simulation of earth surface variables and fluxes, Geoscientific Model Development, 6, 929-960, 2013.
  • Vionnet, V., Guyomarc'h, G., Bouvet, F. N., Martin, E., Durand, Y., Bellot, H., Bel, C. and Puglièse, P. : Occurrence of blowing snow events at an alpine site over a 10-year period : Observations and modelling , Advances in Water Resources , 55, 53-63, 2013.


  • Kourzeneva, E. ; Asensio, H. ; Martin, E. & Faroux, S. Global gridded dataset of lake coverage and lake depth for use in numerical weather prediction and climate modelling Tellus A, 2012, 64, 14p
  • Kourzeneva, E. ; Martin, E. ; Batrak, Y. & Le Moigne, P. Climate data for parameterisation of lakes in Numerical Weather Prediction models Tellus A, 2012, 64, 17p
  • Singla, S. ; Céron, J.-P. ; Martin, E. ; Regimbeau, F. ; Déqué, M. ; Habets, F. & Vidal, J.-P. Predictability of soil moisture and river flows over France for the spring season Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 201-216
  • Szczypta, C. ; Decharme, B. ; Carrer, D. ; Calvet, J.-C. ; Lafont, S. ; Somot, S. ; Faroux, S. & Martin, E. Impact of precipitation and land biophysical variables on the simulated discharge of European and Mediterranean rivers Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 3351-3370
  • Thierion, C. ; Longuevergne, L. ; Habets, F. ; Ledoux, E. ; Ackerer, P. ; Majdalani, S. ; Leblois, E. ; Lecluse, S. ; Martin, E. ; Queguiner, S. & Viennot, P. Assessing the water balance of the Upper Rhine Graben hydrosystem Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 424-425, 68-83
  • Vergnes, J.-P. ; Decharme, B. ; Alkama, R. ; Martin, E. ; Habets, F. & Douville, H. A Simple Groundwater Scheme for Hydrological and Climate Applications : Description and Offline Evaluation over France J. Hydrometeor, Journal of Hydrometeorology, American Meteorological Society, 2012, 13, 1149-1171
  • Vidal, J.-P. ; Martin, E. ; Kitova, N. ; Najac, J. & Soubeyroux, J.-M. Evolution of spatio-temporal drought characteristics : validation, projections and effect of adaptation scenarios Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 2935-2955
  • Vionnet, V. ; Brun, E. ; Morin, S. ; Boone, A. ; Faroux, S. ; Le Moigne, P. ; Martin, E. & Willemet, J.-M. The detailed snowpack scheme Crocus and its implementation in SURFEX v7.2 Geoscientific Model Development, 2012, 5, 773-791
  • Vionnet, V. ; Guyomarc'h, G. ; Bouvet, F. N. ; Martin, E. ; Durand, Y. ; Bellot, H. ; Belot, C. & Puglièse, P. Occurrence of blowing snow events at an alpine site over a 10-year period : observations and modelling Advances in Water Resources, 2012, -


  • Draper, C. ; Mahfouf, J.-F. ; Calvet, J.-C. ; Martin, E. & Wagner, W. Assimilation of ASCAT near-surface soil moisture into the SIM hydrological model over France Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2011, 15, 3829-3841
  • Lafaysse, M., Hingray, B., Etchevers, P., Martin, E. and Obled, C. 2011. Influence of spatial discretization, underground water storage and glacier melt on a physically-based hydrological model of the Upper Durance River basin. Journal of Hydrology 403(1-2) 116 - 129.
  • Queguiner, S. ; Martin, E. ; Lafont, S. ; Calvet, J.-C. ; Faroux, S. & Quintana-Seguí, P. Impact of the use of a CO2 responsive land surface model in simulating the effect of climate change on the hydrology of French Mediterranean basins Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 2011, 11, 2803-2816
  • Quintana-Segui, P., Habets, F. and Martin, E. 2011. Comparison of past and future Mediterranean high and low extremes of precipitation and river flow projected using different statistical downscaling methods. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 11(5) 1411—1432.


  • Bouilloud, L., K. Chancibault, B. Vincendon, V. Ducrocq, F. Habets, G.-M. Saulnier, S. Anquetin, Ã. Martin, J. Noilhan, 2010, Coupling the ISBA land surface model and the TOPMODEL hydrological model for Mediterranean flash-flood forecasting : Description, calibration and validation. Journal of Hydrometeorology, DOI:10.1175/2009JHM1163.1.
  • Chaouche K.,Neppel L., Dieulin C., Pujol N., Ladouche B., Martin E., Salas D., Caballero Y. (2010) : Analyse des variables précipitation, température et évapotranspiration en région méditerranéenne française dans un contexte de changement climatique. Comptes Rendus Géoscience, 342, 3, 234-243 (mars 2010), Doi : 10.1016/j.crte.2010.02.001.
  • Céron J.-P., G. Tanguy, L. Franchistéguy, E. Martin, F. Regimbeau, J.-P. Vidal (2010) Hydrological seasonal forecast over France : feasibility and prospects Atmos. Sci. Let. 11 : 78-82 DOI : 10.1002/asl.256.
  • Quintana Seguí P. , A. Ribes, E. Martin, F. Habets, J. Boe, Comparison of three downscaling methods in simulating the impact of climate change on the hydrology of Mediterranean basins, Journal of Hydrology, 383, 111,124.
  • Randrianasolo A., M. H. Ramos, G. Thirel, V. Andréassian, E. Martin (2010) : Comparing the scores of hydrological ensemble forecasts issued by two different hydrological models Atmos. Sci. Let. 11 : 100-107 DOI : 10.1002/asl.259
  • Schaake John, Jean Pailleux, Jutta Thielen, Ray Arritt, Tom Hamill, Lifeng Luo, Eric Martin, Doug McCollor, Florian Pappenberger (2010) Summary of recommendations of the first workshop on Postprocessing and Downscaling Atmospheric Forecasts for Hydrologic Applications held at Météo-France, Toulouse, France, 15-18 June 2009 Atmos. Sci. Let. 11:59-63. DOI : 10.1002/asl.267
  • Thirel G., F. Regimbeau, E. Martin, J. Noilhan and F. Habets (2010) : Short- and medium-range hydrological ensemble forecasts over FranceAtmos. Sci. Let., DOI : 10.1002/asl.254
  • Thirel, G., Martin, E., Mahfouf, J.-F., Massart, S., Ricci, S., and Habets, F. : A past discharges assimilation system for ensemble streamflow forecasts over France – Part 1 : Description and validation of the assimilation system, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1623-1637, doi:10.5194/hess-14-1623-2010, 2010
  • Thirel, G., Martin, E., Mahfouf, J.-F., Massart, S., Ricci, S., Regimbeau, F., and Habets, F. : A past discharge assimilation system for ensemble streamflow forecasts over France – Part 2 : Impact on the ensemble streamflow forecasts, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1639-1653, doi:10.5194/hess-14-1639-2010, 2010
  • Vidal, J.-P., Martin, E., Franchistéguy, L., Baillon, M. and Soubeyroux, J.-M. (2010), A 50-year high-resolution atmospheric reanalysis over France with the Safran system. International Journal of Climatology, 30 : 1627–1644. doi : 10.1002/joc.2003
  • Vidal, J.-P., Martin, E., Franchistéguy, L., Habets, F., Soubeyroux, J.-M., Blanchard, M., and Baillon, M. : Multilevel and multiscale drought reanalysis over France with the Safran-Isba-Modcou hydrometeorological suite, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 459-478, 2010
  • Zappa M, Beven KJ, Bruen M, Cofino A, Kok K, Martin E, Nurmi P, Orfila B, Roulin E, Schröter K,Seed A, Stzurc J, Vehviläinen B, Germann U, Rossa A. 2010. Propagation of uncertainty from observing systems and NWP into hydrological models : COST-731 Working Group 2. Atmos. Sci. Let.11 : 83-91. doi:10.1002/asl.248


  • Boé, J., Terray, L., Martin, E. and Habets, F. 2009. Projected changes in components of the hydrological cycle in French river basins during the 21st century. Water Resources Research 45(8) 15
  • Bouilloud, L., Martin, E., Habets, F., Boone, A., Moigne, P. L., Livet, J., Marchetti, M., Foidart, A., Franchistéguy, L., Morel, S., Noilhan, J. and Pettré, P. 2009. Road Surface Condition Forecasting in France. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48(12) 2513—2527.
  • Martin, E., Thirel, G., Regimbeau, F., Noilhan, J., Franchisteguy, L., Soubeyroux, J.-M. and Habets, F. 2009. Vers une prévision d'ensemble des débits à l'échelle des grands bassins français. La Houille Blanche 5/2009(5) 88—94.
  • Quintana Seguí, P., Martin, E., Habets, F. and Noilhan, J. 2009. Improvement, calibration and validation of a distributed hydrological model over France. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13(2) 163—181.
  • Rutter, N., Essery, R., Pomeroy, J., Altimir, N., Andreadis, K., Baker, I., Barr, A., Bartlett, P., Boone, A., Deng, H., Douville, H., Dutra, E., Elder, K., Ellis, C., Feng, X., Gelfan, A., Goodbody, A., Gusev, Y., Gustafsson, D., Hellstram, R., irabayashi, Y., Hirota, T., Jonas, T., Koren, V., Kuragina, A., Lettenmaier, D., Li, W.-P., Luce, C., Martin, E., Nasonova, O., Pumpanen, J., Pyles, R. D., Samuelsson, P., Sandells, M., Schadler, G., Shmakin, A., Smirnova, T. G., Stähli, M., Stockli, R., Strasser, U., Su, H., Suzuki, K., Takata, K., Tanaka, K., Thompson, E., Vesala, T., Viterbo, P., Wiltshire, A., Xia, K., Xue, Y. and Yamazaki, T. 2009. Evaluation of forest snow processes models (SnowMIP2). Journal of Geophysical Research 114(D6) 18.


  • Albergel C., C. Rüdiger, T. Pellarin, J.-C. Calvet, N. Fritz, F. Froissard, D. Suquia, A. Petitpa, B. Piguet, and E. Martin (2008) : From near-surface to root-zone soil moisture using an exponential filter : an assessment of the method based on in-situ observations and model simulations. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 1323-1337, 2008
  • Artinyan E., Habets F., Noilhan J., Ledoux E., Dimitrov D., Martin E., and Le Moigne P. (2008) : Modelling the water budget and the riverflows of the Maritsa basin in Bulgaria, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 21-37.
  • Calvet J-C, Gibelin A-L, Roujean J-L, Martin E., Le Moigne P. Douville H., Noilhan (2007) : Past and future scenarios of the effect of carbon dioxide on plant growth and transpiration for three vegetation types of southwestern France. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 397-406.
  • Habets F., A. Boone, J.L Champeaux, P. Etchevers, L. Franchistéguy, E.Leblois, E. Ledoux, P. Le Moigne, E. Martin, S. Morel, J. Noilhan, P.Quintana Segui F. Rousset-Regimbeau, P. Viennot (2008)) : The SAFRAN-ISBA-MODCOU hydrometeorol-ogical model applied over France, Journal of Geophysical Research D : Atmospheres 113, D06113 (2008) 18
  • Quintana-Seguí, P., P. Le Moigne, Y. Durand, E. Martin, F. Habets, M. Baillon, C. Canellas, L. Franchisteguy, and S. Morel, 2008 : Analysis of Near-Surface Atmospheric Variables : Validation of the SAFRAN Analysis over France. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 47, 92-107.
  • King C., Pomeroy J., Gray D. M., Fierz C., Föhn P., Harding R., Jordan R., Martin E., Plüss C., (2008) : Snow-atmosphere energy and mass balance. In Snow and Climate : Physical Processes, Surface Energy Exchange and Modelling, Eds Armstrong R. and Brun E., Cambrige University Press, 70-124.
  • Thirel G., Rousset-Regimbeau F., Martin E., Habets F. (2008) : On the Impact of Short-Range Meteorological Forecasts for Ensemble Streamflow Predictions, J. Hydrometeor., 9, 1301–1317.
  • Soubeyroux J.-M., Martin E., Franchistéguy L., Habets F., Noilhan J., Baillon M., Regimbeau F., Vidal J.-Ph., Le Moigne P., Morel S. (2008) L'application Safran - Isba - Modcou (SIM), un outil pour la production opérationnelle et les études hydrométéorologiques, La Météorologie, 8, 63, Novembre 2008, 40-45.


  • Alcamo, J., J.M. Moreno, B. Novaky, M. Bindi, R. Corobov, R.J.N. Devoy, C. Giannakopoulos, E. Martin, J.E. Olesen, A. Shvidenko, 2007 : Europe. Climate Change 2007 : Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, C.E. Hanson, P.J. van der Linden, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Baghdadi N., Aubert M., Cerdan O., Franchistéguy L., Viel C., Martin E., Zribi M., Desprats F. (2007) : Operational mapping of soil moisture using synthetic aperture radara data : application to the Touch basin (France). Sensors, 7, 2458-2483.
  • Michèle Blanchard, Laurent Franchistéguy, Florence Habets, Eric Martin, Joel Noilhan (2007) :Typologie des sécheresses sur la France et outils de suivi de la ressource en eau utilisés à Météo-France. Revue françaises de géotechnique, N°120-121, 4ème trimestre 2007, 11-20.
  • Boé J., Terray L., Habets F., Martin E. (2007) : Statistical and dynamical downscaling of the Seine basin climate for hydrometeorological studies. International Journal of Climatology, DOI : 10.1002/joc.1602.
  • Déqué, M., Martin E., Noilhan J. (2007) : Les scénarios climatiques de réchauffement. Dans « Sociétés – Environnements, regards croisés » J.-P. Amigues, Le Quéau D., Mazzega P., Menaut J.-C. Eds, L'Harmattan, 37-52.
  • Lejeune Y., Wagnon P., Bouilloud L., Chevallier P., Etchevers P., Martin E., Sicart E., Habets F. (2007) : Melting of snow cover in a tropical mountain environment in Bolivia : Processes and modelling, J. of Hydrometeorology, 8 (4), 922-937.
  • Martin E., Ducrocq V., Joly A., Joly B., Nuissier O., Quintana Seguí P., Ricard D., Sevault F., Somot S., Drobinsky P. La Méditerranée, région témoin : de CYPRIM à HYMEX, La Houille Blanche, N°6/2007, 90-96.


  • Boé J., Terray L., Habets F., Martin E. (2006) : A simple statistical-dynamical downscaling scheme based on weather types and conditional resampling, J. of Geophysi. Res., 111, D23106, doi:10.1029/2005JD006889
  • Bouilloud L, Martin E (2006) A Coupled Model to Simulate Snow Behavior on Roads. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 45(3) : 500-516.


  • Ancey C., Martin E. (2005) : La Neige, La Recherche, N°383, Février 2005, 73-77.
  • Martin, E. and P. Etchevers, 2005 : Impact of climatic change on snow cover and snow hydrology in the French Alps. In : Global Change and Mountain Regions (A State of Knowledge Overview) [Huber U. M., H. K. M. Bugmann and M. A. Reasoner (eds.)], Springer, Dordrecht, pp.235-242.


  • Etchevers P., E. Martin, R. Brown, C. Fierz, Y. Lejeune, E. Bazile, A. Boone, Y.-J. Dai, R. Essery, A. Fernandez, Y. Gusev, R. Jordan, V. Koren, E. Kowalczyk, N. O. Nasonova, R. D. Pyles, A. Schlosser, A. B. Shmakin, T. G. Smirnova, U. Strasser, D. Verseghy, T. Yamazaki and Z.-L. Yang (2003) : Intercomparison of the surface energy budget simulated by several snow models (SNOWMIP project), A. of Glaciology, 38, 150-158.
  • Savary S., Fortin J-P, Bernier M., Martin E. (2003) : Modélisation des propriétés du couvert nival, sur le sous-bassin LG4 de la rivière La Grande dans le nord du Québec, à l'aide du modèle français CROCUS. Revue des sciences de l'eau, 17(3), 395-417.


  • Martin E., Giraud G., Lejeune Y., Boudart G. 2001. Impact of climate change on avalanche hazard. Annals of glaciology, 32, 163, 167.
  • Genthon C., Fily M., Martin E. 2001. Numerical simulations of Greenland snow pack and comparison with passive microwave spectral signatures. Annals of Glaciology, 32,109, 115.
  • Etchevers P. Durand Y., Habets F. Martin E ., Noilhan J. 2001. Impact of spatial resolution on the hydrological simulation of the Durance high –Alpine catchment, France, Annals of Glaciology, 32, 87-92.
  • Ottlé C., Etchevers P., Golaz C., Habets F., Noilhan J., Martin E., Ledoux E., Leblois E., Sauquet E., Amraoui N., Artinian E., Champeaux J.L., Guérin C., Lacarrère P., Le Moigne P., Saulnier G.M., Vidal-Madjar D., Voirin S. (2001) : The French Rhone program : Coupled modelisation (surface atmosphere) of the water discharges, general presentation and objectives, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 26(5-6), 443-453.


  • Essery R., Martin E., Douville H., Fernandez A., Brun E. (1998) : « A comparison of four snow models using observations from an alpine site », Climate Dynamics 15, 583-593.
  • Habets F., Etchevers P., Golaz C., Leblois E., Ledoux E., Martin E., Noilhan J., Ottlé C. (1999) : « Simulation of the water budget and the river flows of the Rhone Basin ». Journal of Geophysical research, 104, N° D24, 31145, 31172, December, 27.
  • Durand Y., Giraud G., Brun E., Mérindol L., Martin E. (1999) “A computer-based system simulating snowpack structures as a tool for regional avalanche forecasting”, J. of Glaciol., 45, N 151, 469-484.
  • David P., Martin E. (1999) “Le laboratoire du Col de Porte pour l'étude de la neige : histoire et climatologie” La Météorologie, 8ème série, N° 28, décembre 99, 23-34.


  • Dang H., Genthon C., Martin E. (1998) : "Snow cover studies in Greenland : snow pits observations and numerical modelling", Annals of Gaciology, 26.
  • Martin E., Durand Y. (1998) : "Precipitation and snow cover variability in the French Alps", dans Lecture Notes in Earth sciences : The impact of climate variability on forests, Edité par John L. Innes et Martin Béniston (Springer).
  • Lesaffre B., Pougatch E., Martin E. (1998) : « Objective determination of snow-grain characteristics from images » Annals of Glaciology, 26, 112-118.
  • Martin E., Lejeune Y. (1998) : "Investigations on turbulent fluxes above the snow surface", Annals of Gaciology, 26, 179-183.
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